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Casting (type conversion)

C++ is a statically-typed language. This means that the programmer has to explicitly declare the data type when they create a piece of data (variables, parameters, return values…); in this way, the type of some data is known at compile-time instead of at run-time. Usually, these types are also fixed: an int variable, for example, will keep that type for the lifetime of the program and it won't change its type once assigned.

Fortunately, C++ allows us to convert data of one type to that of another. This feature is really handy, especially when working with different data types at the same time.

Conversion can happen in two ways, one implicit and one explicit.

Implicit type conversion​

Implicit type conversion (also called automatic type conversion or coercion) is automatically performed by the compiler and we don't need to write anything in particular to make that happen. Implicit type conversion is often associated with narrowing conversion, a case where the destination data type is smaller (meaning that it is capable of storing less information) than the source data type and some data is lost in the process of value transfer. In other words, narrowing conversion happens when data of a larger type is converted to data of a smaller type1.

Let's see an example of implicit and narrowing type conversion:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float decimalVar = 2.99;

// implicit and narrowing type conversion
int integerVar = decimalVar;

cout << "decimalVar = " << decimalVar << endl;
cout << "integerVar = " << integerVar << endl;

return 0;


decimalVar = 2.99
integerVar = 2

In the above program, we try to put the value of a float type variable with decimal digits in a variable of type int. This doesn't cause an error in the compilation and we are allowed to do it, but by doing so we are losing information. Also, note that C++ doesn't round to 3 but removes completely all the decimal digits.

We don't explicitly express to the compiler how to behave and the final result stored in integerVar will contain only a narrower amount of information because it can't handle decimal digits. That's why this conversion is implicit and narrowing (information-losing).


Some type conversions are always safe to make (such as int to double), whereas others may result in the value being changed during conversion (such as double to int). Unsafe implicit conversions will typically either generate a compiler warning or (in the case of brace initialization) an error2.

To be sure not to make involuntary narrowing errors, we can use brace (or list) initialization. Using that:

  • An integer cannot be converted to another integer that cannot hold its value. For example, char to int is allowed, but not int to char.
  • A floating-point value cannot be converted to another floating-point type that cannot hold its value. For example, float to double is allowed, but not double to float.
  • A floating-point value cannot be converted to an integer type.
  • An integer value cannot be converted to a floating-point type.

See this answer on Stack Overflow for more info.

The rule to keep in mind to avoid this problem is that the destination data type cannot be smaller than the source data type. This conversion is called widening conversion.

int main() {
int integerVar = 4;
float decimalVar;
// int value 'integerVar' is implicitly converted to type float
decimalVar = integerVar; // decimalVar = 4.0000000

return 0;

Casting (explicit type conversion)​

Casting is the act of telling the compiler the type of the resulting conversion. It's the programmer's intervention to manually change data from one type to another explicitly.

To see casting in action, let's first try to take the average between three integer values a, b and c with the simple formula: average = sumOfValues / numberOfValues.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int a, b, c;
int sum;

cout << "Insert 3 values: " << endl;
cin >> a;
cin >> b;
cin >> c;

sum = a+b+c;
float average = sum/3;

cout << "The average is: " << average << endl;

return 0;



Supposing to insert 2, 4 and 5, the average we expect to see in the output should be somewhere around 3.6666. However, the output we get is just 3.

The reason for that unexpected behavior has to do with data types. We are doing a division where the resulting quotient is a value with decimal digits (3.6666). We are storing that quotient in a float variable, so those digits should be preserved, however since the division happens between two int values, the returned value keeps that int type, truncating any decimal place (integral values can't hold fractions and only the non-fractional component is retained).In standard C++, no run-time type check is made to help ensure the safety of the conversion3, therefore if we try to divide two or more int variables or numbers we can't get a float value as a result.

The only way to obtain a different type as output is by doing casting.

C-style type casting​

There are many ways to do casting conversion, but the most common (and the one that we will use for our programs) is the C-style type casting (also known as cast notation).

That method consists of putting the data type we want in return by the conversion before the identifier of the original data or a calculation and surrounding that type by a pair of round brackets ( ). Of course the resulting conversion has to be stored in another variable with the proper type or printed. It sounds complicated but it really isn't. Look at this example:

// destinationDataType identifier = (targetDataType) variableOrExpression;
float average = (float) sum/3;

See that (float)? It's the explicit casting. It explicitly tells the compiler that we want the result of the expression to be of type float. Replace this line of code with line 14 in the previous program and run it again.


We have now fixed the problem!

In this example, when the compiler performs the division, dividend and divisor are both int but we have explicitly expressed that the quotient has to be of type float, so everything works fine.


In this case we could also write float average = sum/3.0; or float average = (float)sum/(float)3;

It's sufficient to use a cast on one of the operands, but it doesn't hurt if we cast both.

Function notation​

A variation of C-style type casting is the function notation, where the syntax for the parenthesis is inverted: we put the data type before the expression and then the latter in parentheses ( ), like so: dataType(variable);.


static_cast is one of the four named casts available in C++ and it's a type casting operator. It forces one data type to be converted into another data type. The static_cast operator takes an expression as input and returns the evaluated value converted to the type specified inside the angled brackets4. The syntax is: static_cast<dataType>(variable);.