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A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.

In more general terms, a function is a system that takes an input and returns it as output after doing some calculations inside to perform a specific task.

Variable declaration

Fig.1. Abstract representation of a system.

If you have a mathematical background, you may be led to associate the functioning of mathematical functions with that of programming functions. Although this association is partly correct (inputs → calculations → output), it is confusing to consider them the same thing so we will keep them as separate concepts.

We have already used functions: main() is a special function that every executable program must have, and it is present in every one of our programs done so far. Also writing <iostream> means having to deal with functions (inside that library): although it doesn't look like it, every time you << or >> operator to do input or output, you're using a function provided by the standard library.

The C++ standard library comes with plenty of already-written functions ready to use. But this doesn't mean that we can't write ours! Functions that you write yourself are called user-defined functions.

You can pass data, known as parameters, into a function as inputs, but it is not always necessary.

Why use functions​

There are two benefits that come when using functions:

  1. Reusability: once some code is written inside a function, it can then be executed as many times as you want. This avoids repetition, redundancy and duplicate code. The principle is similar to loops, but it works in a bit different way.
  2. Organization: as programs start to get longer and longer, putting all the code inside the main function becomes increasingly hard to manage: with functions, we can split our programs into small, modular chunks that are easier to organize, test, use and reuse.

Where to put them​

Functions need to be written before they are used with an invocation. Therefore, they usually stay at the top of the program, before main() and after all the includes and namespaces.

Remember that since main() is also a function, every other function has to be written outside of it, because, unlike some other programming languages, C/C++ does not support nested functions (functions inside functions).

Parts of a function​

A function is made up of a signature

To understand how a function is created let's see the generic form:

// do not compile this!
returnType functionName(type parameter1, type parameter2, ...) {
return ...;

For example, a simple function that returns the sum of two variables can be written like this:

int add(int a, int b) {
int sum = a+b;
return sum;

Of course, this is not a useful function, but at least it's simple to understand and it will help you to grasp the concept of how a function works more easily through the following explanations.


Now let's analyze every part that makes up a function like the one above:

Parts of a function

Fig.2. The various components of a function.
  • Return type: this is the primitive type of the output value that the function will return.
  • Function name: as variables, functions require a name in order to be declared, too. This name is an identifier and it's also called header. It will be used every time we need to call (refer to) that function, and it identifies it uniquely.
  • Parameters: they are local variables that take arguments (values of other variables from outside) in input when the function is called. You work with them inside the body of a function. Parameters can be one, more than one but also zero. In the latter case, we can put the keyword void inside the parentheses or simply open and close a pair of round parentheses (most recommended) like in main(). It's important to remember that you always have to specify the type of each of the formal parameters (this is how they are called) inside a function, but not when you call it (see function call).
  • Header: it's the whole first line of a function and it encloses all the three components mentioned above: return type, name and parameters.
  • Body: it's the block of statements required to perform a specific task for which that function is built. The instructions are always enclosed in the function's curly brackets {...}.
  • Return: the return instruction always terminates the execution of a function, so it must be typed at the end. It can be only 1 for each function, and it's used to return (provide/give back in output, but not as a text on the console like with cout!) the result of the computation performed in the function itself. What follows the return keyword (it can be a value like 0, a variable like sum or an expression like a+b) is what the function gives in output when invocated and executed, and this needs to be stored somewhere if the function is not of type void (see procedures for further explanation). We have already used return in the main() function.
Difference (Parameter 🆚 Argument)

When a function is called, the actual values that are passed during the call are called arguments. So the arguments are the data you externally pass into the function's parameters.

The values that defined at the time of the function prototype or definition of the function are called parameters, more precisely formal parameters. Formal parameters are local variables to which the values of the arguments are assigned when the function is called1.

We dig deeper into this difference and learn why it's fundamental in this lesson.


At the top, I said that the first line of a function is called "header". If you remember, though, "header" is also the term used with the header files that are included in a program when we write the preprocessor directive #include <...>, and it's a file that contains a set of predefined standard library functions.

Therefore, even if among C/C++ developers the first line of a function is often called "header", this is actually a wrong term for the aforementioned reason. A better one could be signature, but the best are function declaration and prototype (this last term, though, is used in a different case that we will cover later in another lesson). See this Stack Overflow Q&A for more info.

Function types​

Before creating a function, we need to know about the two types that exist in C++:

1. Classic functions
2. Procedures

They can both (optionally) take inputs, but for the outputs the situation is different.

Classic functions​

Classic functions are just like the one we saw earlier:

int add(int a, int b) {
int sum = a+b;
return sum;

They always start with the return type (any primitive type: int, bool, float…) and when they are invoked they return a value that has to be stored somewhere, like a variable, to work with it.


A procedure is a particular type of function that performs a task but does not produce information as outputs. In other words, they cannot return any numeric value, but they can, for example, print some text on the screen or make calculations.

void add(int a, int b) {
int sum = a+b;
cout << "The sum is: " << sum << endl;
return; // this line is optional

Notice the void type keyword. It means no return value. If you write return 5 inside a procedure, the compiler will throw out an error.

Function call (invocation)​

Invoking a function means telling the compiler to execute that function. The CPU does that and then, when the function ends, it returns to the place where it has been invoked to resume execution. You put the function call whenever you need it, but needless to say, you can also never invoke it.

Before invoking a function, we need to know its type.

If it's a classic function, the invocation is made by storing the return value of that function inside a variable:


I inverted the main function and user-defined functions for clarity reasons. If you want to use the function correctly in a program you'll have to put it before the main function. There's actually another method called "forward declaration" to avoid this and put functions at the end of the program, but I'll cover it in a separate lesson.

// inside main function
int x=5, y=2;
int result = add(x,y) // output: 7

// classic function (outside main)
int add(int a, int b) { // a and b becomes 5 and 2
int sum = a+b;
return sum;

If it's a procedure, instead, we don't need to store any value, so it's simply:

// inside main function
int x=5, y=2;
add(x,y) // output: 7

// procedure (outside main)
void add(int a, int b) { // a and b becomes 5 and 2
cout << a+b << endl;

You can learn more about the differences by reading this article by GeeksForGeeks.

Which is better?

Which method is better between classic function and procedure? Well, there is no hard and strict rule on which method should be chosen. Technically they are both true.

You have to choose a particular method depending on the situation and how you want to solve a problem.

Note that in neither of these cases a type has been specified inside the function call (add(x,y)) for a parameter passed. You don't have to do that because the type is already specified in the header of the function.

Passage of values​

In both cases, x and y values are passed and copied inside a and b respectively. They are different variable pairs, but with the function call sum(x,y) they have associated and matched with each other in that order. I could have called them both a and b with any x or y identifier, but I intentionally made that to briefly explain how the passage of values works.

Since this is a tricky topic to explain and understand, but also very important, the next chapter is dedicated exactly to that.