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Passage of values

In C and C++ there are two ways to pass some data to a function: by value and by reference.

Both of them are strictly related to the actual parameters (or arguments) and formal parameters, though, so it's better to understand and distinguish them before going forward.

Parameter types​

In support of the following explanation I'm going to use an example of a program that prompts the user to enter the base and height of a rectangle and with a function calculates the area of the quadrilateral (according to the formula a = b*h), storing that value in the variable a:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float area(float b, float h) {
float area = b*h;
return area;

int main() {
float base, height;

cout << "enter the base: " << endl;
cin >> base;
cout << "enter the height: " << endl;
cin >> height;

float a = area(base, height);
cout << "the area is: " << a << endl;

return 0;

This code works directly, so I highly encourage you to try it. As always, feel free to run this program yourself and experiment with it as much as you want.

Code explanation​


Before the main function, at line 4, the function area is defined. Here we multiply the formal parameters b and h and store the result in a new variable called area. Then we return it.


In the main function we create two new variables, base and height, and we ask to the user to insert the values that we'll then assign to each variable.

In line 17 we create another variable, a, and here we call the function previously created passing as arguments base and height (not b and h!), without specifying any type. When the compiler compiles the function that has just been called, it calculates a value area and then returns it. We store that value in a.

The float type of the variables and the function have been used to cover the cases when inputs have decimal digits, but other types like int or double can be used too.

Return (in details)​

Inside the function area(), the return area; instruction finalizes the function and returns the control back to the function that called it in the first place (so main() in our example).

At this moment the program follows its regular course from the same point at which it was interrupted by the call to area(). Additionally, because the return statement in our function area() specified a value, this value becomes the value of the function call.

The variable a will be set to the value returned by the multiplication performed inside area(float b, float h), that is b*h. To explain it another way, you can imagine that the function call area() is literally replaced by the value it returns, and then this value is stored in a variable.

Just as shown in this figure:

Returned value

Fig.1. How the returned value of a function is stored.

In this general example, a fName() function is invoked, and when it's executed its result replaces the invocation fName(x, y) and gets stored in a variable var. val = returned value. The intermediate step (where fName(x, y) becomes the returned value) is not shown for simplicity.


All this process happens when we use classic functions. For procedures (functions with void type), instead, all this doesn't subsist (it's not true) because procedures never have a return value.

Actual parameter (argument)​

The actual parameters, or arguments, are the actual values (or values of variables) that get passed to a function. In our previous example, we invoke the function area() that has two parameters, b and h, and we pass those arguments as base and height. We could have passed also some values directly, like 3 and 4, as arguments. Try yourself with our example program.

This scheme will probably convey better how these two different types of parameters are used:

Passing values scheme

Fig.2. How arguments are passed to a function (example).

Formal parameter​

The formal parameters are the local variables of the function that receive the arguments. In our example, they are b and h and they receive the values specified during the invocation, which are base and height.

General scheme​

Passing values scheme general

Fig.3. How arguments are passed to a function (in general).

Passing by value 🆚 by reference​

Let's now take another program. Imagine you want to write a function of type void that swaps two variables (the algorithm for swapping is explained in a previous lesson) called a and b:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void swap(int x, int y) {
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;

int main() {
int a=2, b=5;

cout << a << endl;
cout << b << endl;

swap(a, b);

cout << a << endl;
cout << b << endl;

return 0;

Inside main we call the function swap() passing a and b as arguments (actual parameters). In the function at line 4 we receive those arguments and inside the body we swap them. Remember that it's of type void, so it's a special function that does not have a return value. Swapping is made by creating a new variable temp (following the algorithm already explained in a previous tutorial), and after all the instructions we don't need to return anything.


Now try to run this program. What will be the output?


It turns out that the values 2 and 5 haven't swapped!

But why?

Pass by value (or copy)​

Local scope​

If you remember, in the previous chapter I mentioned that functions have formal parameters, which are basically variables that have local scope. Actually, the whole body of a function with all the code inside it is also the local scope of the function itself. This means that they all have a lifetime and visibility limited only to that function and you can't access them outside of the function body (it's the same principle applied to code blocks, where variables inside of these blocks are not global).

For instance, in our program you can't use the temp variable (created inside the function) in the main scope, because the scope of local variables is limited to the same block level in which they are declared.

When we invoke a function (as we have done so far), the arguments that we pass to the function are passed by value, or by copy. These terms come from the fact that the values of the actual parameters written in the function call are copied inside the formal parameters, and then the function works on those copies locally.

In our code example, we pass a and b, 2 and 5 respectively, so x and y in the function assume those two values, but they are different variables with different locations in memory.

For each variable, we are just passing copies of its value and not the variable itself. Therefore, when passing by value, as long as the formal parameters have not been declared as constant, changes that we apply to them (e.g. swapping) will only be performed within the function scope; nothing will happen outside of it, for example in main.

In short, with pass-by-value if we change the parameters we lose all the modifications outside of the function.

Swapping by value

Fig.4. Pass by value (or copy). The swapping doesn't happen in main.

That's why with our actual program we get this output:


Pass by reference​

To solve this problem we can pass arguments by reference. When we call and pass by reference, actual and formal parameters refer to the same memory location, so when changes are made to the formal parameters, actual parameters will also change. In this way, we associate these two types of parameters as a singular entity.

In practice, the invoked function and the invoking function have the same parameters and the eventual changes are reflected on both sides.

There are two ways to do this.

To pass by reference is by prefixing each formal parameter with an ampersand symbol & in the signature of the function.

In our case, the solution will be:

void swap(int &x, int &y) {
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;

Sometimes, you may see function parameters written in this way too: void swap(int& x, int& y). Here the & symbol is put immediately after the type of each parameter (int) and after that, there's a space. Both writings are completely equivalent (just like with pointers1), so use the one you prefer.

Swapping by reference

Fig.5. Pass by reference. The swapping is successful!

Pass by address (or pointer)​

There's also another method, which similarly implies the ampersand symbol, but in another way. It's used in conjunction with pointers, which are special variables that are capable of containing memory addresses of some other variables. To declare a pointer parameter, we write the asterisk symbol * followed by the identifier inside the function's round brackets.

When we write:

void swap(int *x, int *y) {
int temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
// inside main
swap(&a, &b);

*x and *y will store not the values but copies of the addresses of a and b (arguments) into the formal parameters. Then, the function uses the addresses to access the arguments/actual parameters. When you call the function you have to put the & symbol before the names of the arguments, which indicates the respective address. Call by address is basically call by reference, except that a copy of the reference/address is passed to the function.

Then, inside the function, *x = *y and *y = temp lines mean that the compiler has to change the original values (the content stored) of the addresses of x and y variables, so the changes will remain effective even outside of the function. The act of accessing the value from a certain memory location through the pointer against which it's pointing is called dereferencing.

Which one to use?

I honestly prefer passing by reference simply because it's easier, but it's not necessarily the best. You can find more details on how these last two methods work in this article by GeeksforGeeks.

Both pass-by-reference and pass-by-address methods will give us the correct output:



Pass-by-reference is more efficient than pass-by-value because it does not copy the arguments. The formal parameter is an alias for the argument. When the called function reads or writes the formal parameter, it is actually reading or writing the argument itself2, not a copy of it.

Structured data types​

We said that when we pass an argument by value, the function parameter receives a copy of that argument. For fundamental types, making a copy of the argument into the function parameter is cheap, so this is fine to do. However, copying is typically costly and relatively slow for structured (non-primitive) data types (like arrays, string objects, structs and others), so it's generally discouraged for efficiency reasons. We can avoid making an expensive copy by passing by reference instead, even if you aren't going to change the parameter(s).


Non-primitive types can still be passed by value in C and C++: if you try to do this, the compiler will use a special function called the copy constructor (or in some cases in C++11, the move constructor) to initialize the parameter as a copy of the argument3.